About our Nursery
Our Nursery welcomes children from the age of 3 for 15 or 30 fully funded hours each week.
It is a 52 place nursery with 26 children attending the morning session (8:45- 11.45) and 26 children attending in the afternoon (12:15 - 3:15) every day. If your child is entitled to 15 funded hours they will be offered a morning or afternoon place 5 days per week. If your child is entitled to the 30 hours funded option, the hours are 9.00am-3.00pm Monday - Friday.
The Nursery is overseen and led by the Early Years Lead who is an experienced qualified teacher, and two experienced teaching assistants. Because of this level of professional knowledge, it achieves excellent outcomes for the children not only in terms of their personal and social development but also with reading, writing and mathematical skills. The Nursery children use the school facilities for PE, the wildlife area for Forest School, sometimes attend assemblies and join in with whole school events. This constant contact with the main school makes starting 'big' school the next September a little less daunting!
If you would like to know more about our Nursery please contact our school office on 01473 741305 and they will be pleased to help.
If you would like to apply for a place please visit our school office to pick up an application form or click HERE to apply online.
Our Nursery Admissions Policy can be found below.
We are currently accepting applications for children born between 1st September 2020 & 31st August 2021 who will start in September 2024.