Autumn Term 1
Nursery has been extremely busy this half term. We are so proud of the way our new children have settled into Nursery. They can come in independently, some of them are starting to recognise their name and they have become brilliant at accessing resources for themselves and tidying up. We have shared many stories during snack time and the children have got so much better at listening and talking already! Our topic this half term has been 'Marvellous Me' and the children have painted pictures of themselves, explored their families and homes and have made models of their home. The children are already showing that they can independent like Connie the Cat.
Autumn Term 2
The children have been extremely busy in Nursery this half term. They have explored Autumn through festivals including Bonfire Night and Divali and have looked at changes that happen in Autumn. During Forest School sessions they noticed how the leaves change colour and how some fall to the ground. They explored the changes in weather and noticed how we need to wear different clothes as it has become colder. Inside Nursery they pretended to be weather forecasters in the weather studio and recorded each other on Ipads. We combined ‘World Nursery Rhyme Week’ with a trip to Broomhill Library and many of the children joined the library and are now able to borrow books. We learnt about road safety before we went, and practised how to safely cross the road on the way there and back. We are currently busy finding out about the celebration of Christmas. We talked about how our own families celebrate and have made cards, calendars, wrapping paper, tags and sponge Christmas cakes. We have invited our parents in to watch us sing Christmas songs and are looking forward to the Christmas Fayre and parties.
Next term our topics are ‘Wonderful Winter’ and ‘When I grow up.’ We will explore different jobs that people have and have invited a police officer in to visit us.
Spring Term
In Nursery this term we started by exploring 'People Who Help Us' and what they do as their job. We set up a roleplay hospital where we learnt how a doctor or nurse would take care of people. We really enjoyed dressing up and placing plasters and bandages on our patients. We explored the role of a dentist and practised brushing our teeth at Nursery with a real toothbrush and paste. We remembered that it's important to brush your teeth twice per day. We then looked at police officers and firefighters. We made our own fire-engines and rushed around putting out fires when the phone rang in the fire station. We dressed up as police officers and learnt that they help to look after us when we are lost as well as find and stop people who are not doing the right thing. We then moved on to explore the changing season of Winter into Spring and found lots of new plants, flowers and leaves growing in the forest school area. We grew our own plants including radishes, lettuce, sunflowers, cress and runner beans. We made cress sandwiches and planted the radishes out in the growing area where they grew. The weather was too cold for our runner beans, so we had to plant them again. We explored farm animals and their young that are born in the Spring and finished by finding out about the celebration of Easter.
Summer Term
This half term we explored Summer and how the weather changes outside. The weather makes us behave differently – we visit the seaside, go on holiday and wear different clothes. We found lots of new flowers growing in the outdoor areas and we sat and had snack outside in the Forest School area. We explored the story ‘Sharing a Shell’ a seaside story and talked about our own experiences at the seaside. We used the story as inspiration for art work during arts week – sketching shells, printing with shells in clay and making rockpools. We explored the creatures in the story through real life photos and videos. We explored food that you find at the seaside and set up our own seaside café. Finally we looked at holidays and how you travel there and what you do on holiday. We talked a lot about our new classes and went to visit our new teacher ready for next year.