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‘This school continues to be good.’

September 2021


‘This is a very welcoming school. Pupils are friendly and polite. They listen well and respond to the high expectations that staff have of their learning and behaviour.’

‘Pupils behave well. Classrooms are calm and purposeful places in which to learn.’

‘From an early age, pupils develop their independence, resilience and determination. They show teamwork and cooperation in their work and at play.’

‘Pupils are confident that adults act promptly to help them resolve any issues they may have in school. They are happy to talk to adults if they have worries or concerns.’

‘Pupils learn a rich and varied curriculum that enables them to explore new things and understand the world around them. Pupils achieve well and are well prepared for their next school.’

The inspector noted that our curriculum was meeting the needs of all our children ‘very well’ and we are excited by the challenge we were left with – to make our 'rich and varied' curriculum truly ‘exceptional’ and to further challenge the children to deepen their understanding and become critical thinkers in all subjects.

Inspection Report Sept 21